Ingredient Overview

Source of Our Ingredient Information

Our ingredient analysis comments are taken from clinical and other research results, and other published information. We cannot guarantee the safety or toxicity or irritation of any ingredient in any product. The information we present is only based on the published information we have been able to find.


This substance meets criteria for carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, or reproductive toxicity.
This substance if likely to cause carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, or reproductive toxicity.
Warning! According to the classification provided by companies to ECHA in REACH registrations this substance causes serious eye irritation and causes skin irritation. Annex III: criteria for 1 - 10 tonne registered substances Substances predicted as likely to meet criteria for carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, or reproductive toxicity, or with dispersive or diffuse use(s) where predicted likely to meet any classification criterion for health or environmental hazards, or where there is a nanoform soluble in biological and environmental media.
